International Harvester (iH) Employee Memrobilia Wanting to Buy! in Mason City, Iowa For Sale
I am looking to purchase employee memrobilia from International Harvester (iH), JI CASE, FORD, CASE/iH, Allis Chalmers, Oliver, some John Deere or any implement manufacturer's items for my personal collection. The items I am looking for are the items given out to the employee's by the above named companies and/or their dealerships. Anything with the companies name and/or logo on it. Such as Service Pins, employee ID's, Tools, Clothing, Cooking utensils, pens, thermometers, ice scrapers, golf balls, service awards, safety awards or any other type of awards, company newspapers, any type of manuels, equipment catalogs, flashlights, tape measures, knife's, lighter's etc. Again anything with the company logo and/or name on it given out to the employee's by these companies. Please contact me at the above e-mail link or cell 309-four two eight-xxxx. I answer all e-mails &/or phone calls. NO TEXTS PLEASE my phone does not accept them! PLEASE give me a call before you sell or get rid of you items! Thank You :-)I am located where I-74 crosses the Mississippi River.
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