Free Spray Bottle & Shipping With Purchase of 1 Gallon Genesis 950 Carpet Cleaner & Stain Remover in Mason City, Iowa For Sale
For a limited time get a free basic spray bottle with the purchase of 1 gallon of Genesis 950.
Genesis 950 removes the toughest stains. Whether it be pet stains, make up spills, rust on your carpet, grease and build up on your appliances or a simple food or drink stain, Genesis 950 has the power to remove it.
Genesis 950 works differently because it is a surfactant based cleaner. What this means is that Genesis 950 works with water to absorb into the stained area, break the bonds of the stain and lift it. In addition to removing stains, Genesis 950 deodorizes and kills germs and bacteria.
The spray bottle makes cleaning with Genesis 950 even easier. Mix 1 part Genesis 950 to 7 parts water. Spray the stained area and let it soak for a few moments. Scrub the stained area until the stain is lifted, then rinse with water. If the stain is persistent, increase the amount of Genesis 950. With the spray bottle at hand, you are ready to tackle any stain as it happens.
Visit to order Genesis 950, learn how to remove stains and read reviews.