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Purebred tiny teacup Yorkie puppies in Mason City, Iowa For Sale

Type: Animals, For Sale - Private.

Small Yorkie for Sale I have 3 Yorkie pups for sale, 2 Females and 1 Male. They were born June 9th and are up to date on shots, they have been Vet checked wormed and come with Health Warranty and a Health Guarantee. They have had flea preventative and they are paper trained as well. The mom was 6.5lbs and the dad 2.8 lbs. I expect them to be 4.5-6.5 lbs. They have beautiful thick black and gold hair, short ears, short legs and sweet Doll Baby faces. They have been raised in my home with my other dogs so they are pet friendly and since I work from home they have had tons of attention. They are ready for their forever homes today.please just give me at text at 404 x 947 x xxxx for more info.

State: Iowa  City: Mason City  Category: Animals
Animals in Iowa for sale

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